It is Titusville Council on the Arts mission to stimulate, encourage, expand, and support the appreciation and practice of the arts in our community through affordable and accessible arts programming.
(814) 827-2381

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Engage with our Artist Community in Titusville, PA
Titusville Council on the Arts's focus is to immerse the community through the art forms of visual art, performance art, written expression, and music. We have established multiple programs under the noted categories to inspire and give strength through community engagement.
Visual Art
"The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and architecture."
Titusville Council on the Arts currently offers a strong visual art programming lineup with events like "Expressions! A Celebration of Women Artists In the Oil Region", Fine Art Exhibit/ Chalk Walk, and Art Classes.

Performance Art (Theater/Dance)
"Performance Art are artworks that are created through actions performed by the artist or other participants, which may be live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted."
Titusville Council on the Arts is currently exploring new and exciting ways to heighten and develop new ways to fill the gaps in performance in the community.
Written Expression
"The art of writing can refer to the practice and discipline of creating written works, such as novels, poetry, plays, and essays. It involves the use of language, imagination, and structure to convey ideas, emotions, and stories to an audience."
Currently, Titusville Council on the Arts hosts a city wide event, named the"Day of Poetry", to allow a wide range of age groups to express themselves through the art of written expression.
We also have future events, written workshops, as well as author meet and greets in the works for further community engagement.

Music is the art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, usually according to cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and, in most Western music, harmony.
Each summer, from June to August, "Concerts in the Park" debuts every Monday evening. Titusville looks forward to listening to free live music for all ages in historic Scheide Park.
During the holiday season TCA hosts an annual holiday concert that has become tradition in our area. Recent performances include Follow the Star by Tennessee Back Porch, Handel's Messiah by Erie Philharmonic and the Quiltmaker's Gift by the Sovereign Ballet of Erie.